gullbuy music review



Bleak Output


Teeto Records


NoonNoon is Mikolaj Bugajak from Poland. He is also the beat master for the Polish hiphop group Grammatik.

As Noon he cites influences as wide as Brian Eno, Harold Budd, Portishead, DJ Shadow, and DJ Krush.

A reader of the gullbuy from Poland wrote me and said that I HAD to check out the Noon CD. It is an entirely sample based record, moodier than an Avalanches disc.

I think that songs like 'After', 'Be Hind', 'Warsaw', and 'Why So Good?' are deserving of wider exposure than he has received so far. There is no reason that this CD should not be available in stores abroad (I bought it in Krakow).

The occasional voice samples (mostly speaking) are usually in English, so there will be few barriers for you to climb to enjoy this as much as I do. This music has a slightly sad feel to it. It would fit in a cold winter rainy day.

I found this CD to be entirely different than I expected it to be, and was delighted to find that it took me to a place I had not thought of going.

Faves: 1,4,6,10

---Carl, January 8, 2002