gullbuy music review

Instrumentals - Staedtizism 3


Instrumentals - Staedtizism 3



various artists CD

InstrumentalsDon't be mislead by the title Of the series, Staedtizism 3 is the most vocal of the lot.

Mind you, we're dealing with cut-up vocal samples (a la 'Electric Ladyland' (Mille Plateaux) - style) - far from your traditional electronica, lounge, dance, or rock crooning. But where Mille Plateaux veers slightly towards a noisier version of the click hop scene, and while many of the others are getting into toy-melodic tone poems or melodic minimal glitch (see Tomlab, Domotic, etc.), ~Scape sat steeped in minimalist dub a la Pole-style - and fairly comfortably so for the first two offerings (Staedtizism 1 & 2).

But there was already a fast emerging risk of sameness taking over. S3 breaks the pattern almost completely, veering slightly out of dub and into minimalist glitch lounge hop. Jan Jelinek's offering is just that - and a favorite on the compilation. Cappablack takes it more into skewed click hop territory with vocal samples spliced in. Kit Clayton rips out a crunchy blip hoppish track with quiet choral-style vocals overlayed. Quite good. And unlike S 1&2, Pole is not present - literally or in spirit.

Stefan Betke and his influence dominated the first two complilations. It was getting tired though. So instead of offering more interesting versions of the same old scene, ~Scape delivers something almost entirely different - and very successfully.

Also present - Thomas Fehlman (a gourgeous lounge-y glitchy track introducing the quieter side of the comp.), Deadbeat (very nice), Process (not very interesting) and then System - ending the cd with what the compilation sets out to establish. Whatever that is. I like it.

---Brian Cleary, July 16, 2002