gullbuy music review

Kid 606


The Action Packed Mentalist Brings You the F**king Jams


Violent Turd


Kid 606Rare quiet and electronic humming intro the beats that kick in and do not stop throughout this whole deal.

It's smart and skilled, pulling out the hits one by one and then screwing them up and manipulating them so smoothly and smartly you've got a dance mix tape that'll give everyone at least one gem they can freak out on.

Also some more inspiration for at home computer jamming. You could even play a game seeing who guesses the most original songs being sampled or remixed by your friend Kid 606.

Always the collaborator, it seems like he's picking some serious pirate booty for this one. This is not novel, but for what it is it's some of the best going on... if you want it a ala turntablism plus rare morrocan and spanish tracks you've got dj rupture. If you want harsher, more swearing, and dj comments mixed in you've got Girl Talk. If you want computers killed the Radiohead, dub star, walking like an Egyptian, rebel girl, back to life on a Black Sabbath getting her freak on yet again... you got this.

We are so used to cut and pasting in the visual arts but it's still surprising to hear who got in this sound mix and how they stand revised and coupled with repetitive dance beats or static noise.

Hearing Kathleen Hanna repeat 'i really like you' when it was never her intention to have said it this way is definitely weird to hear but she got invited to the party and this is what happens when Kid 606 is at the party too...

---Ivanna Burgess, July 30, 2002